Is it possible install OpenOffice in DSL? What is the way to do it? Thank you.
Franz -

A stripped down version of OpenOffice is available as a MyDSL extention.  Click the MyDSL icon on your desk top and you will find OpenOffice under both the UCI button and Apps button.  Just download it and OpenOffice icons are added to your desktop.

The 2.0beta .uci version runs very well. Thanks for creating it!

One thing I would like to change.
I only need writer on my HD-Install! Can I forbid the .uci to create the other icons like oomath, ooimpress ... ?

Already tried with permissions for the first step.
I forbid the icons to be moved from the desktop changing the owner to read and making them unwritable but after reboot there position was changed again.
Guess something which has root privilegues is overwriting the position of the icons on restart because the are not deleted (I disabled the automatic load of the .uci and the icons were still in .xtdesktop).

You can also read my posts in Apps

original here.