DSL Tips and Tricks :: control via telnet


i have tried the sshd start command. But when i try to conect via telnet i recieve a Welcome message. When i type anthing, the telnet client closes with ´Protocol mismatch.´. whats gone wrong ?


sshd supports the secure shell ssh command on a remote machine.  ssh is preferrable to telnet in that it uses encryption (sp).  I have used ssh on my dsl computer and it works quite well.  You do need to do some configuration on the server side. You need a $HOME/.ssh directory and I believe you can run some minimal configuration commands to get it set up.  Read the ssh man page or google it (I don't remember off hand).  The only down side I found with ssh is that windows does not support it.  So if you are trying to do a ssh from a windows machine to your DSL machine you will need to do some addtional work.  I loaded a free package from the internet call cygwin (www.cygwin.com).  The package is free but in addition to the base package you need to add additional packages provided at the site openssh, openssl and one other.
If you're connecting from a windows machine you could try http://www.putty.nl/. It is far simpler than cygwin.
I can endorse the PuTTY recommendation.

No installing. It is a simple and small executable that supports ssh, scp, ftp etc.

If ony all windows software was like this. :p

original here.