DSL Tips and Tricks :: Options for remote control

Hi There !

Is there an non graphical option ? i know about vnc etc. but i wont let the machine automaticaly login at boot. My DSL runs on an geode 300 mhz board which i had build in an usb chasi, running as gateway, samba printserver, fluxtorrent, glftpd and soon. It runs fine but there is no option for me to schut it down via remote control. can anyone help me ? Telnetd as a binary or similar.

You can give the bootoption ssh. This starts a ssh deamon which allows you to connect via ssh to your computer. For windows you can use putty and for linux just ssh in a terminal. One thing you have to do is add a password to your dsl account with "passwd dsl" or create a new account with "adduser".

original here.