DSL Tips and Tricks :: sound?
i just did it right now but it says somehting is probablt wrong with my irq or dma or io settings. sorry about not posting it exactly i cant get thecopy and paste thign ot work again. sorry
Everyone, except that one site I posted earlier, states that the sound is cs4239 and they use the cs4232 module. Now that you have the steps down using root commands give the cs4232 module a try. Here are a few links if you would like to read:
wow i am soo lost sorry, i cant seem to get it too work at allh
can somone explain bette rhow to copy everything from aterminal, so i can sho u my results? somone did already but i only got it to work once and think i am doin it wrong.
From the getting started guide.
Cut and Paste:
To cut and paste in Linux one simply highlights the text with the left mouse button and then press the middle button to paste. If you have a two button mouse you would paste by pressing the left and right button together. Cutting and pasting takes a little practice, but is very efficient after one gets use to it.
EDIT: upon further investigation. Highlight with mouse as paste as above. Also highlight text and use CTRL-Insert to copy and SHIFT-Insert to paste.
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