DSL Tips and Tricks :: Control-Alt-Escape

If it doesn't take too much code, I'd find it handy to have the
function control-alt-escape to activate a skull-and-crossbone
cursor with which to identify an errant x program to be killed.

Needless to say, I really like my DSL, but I've always found
this control-alt-escape 'frill' very handy when I'm experi-
menting with untried x programs. I was never handy killing
errant programs with command line commands.

In .fluxbox/keys, add this:
Code Sample
Control Mod1 Escape :ExecCommand xkill

Then reload your fluxbox config or restart fluxbox.

This is assuming xkill is in DSL (i'm pretty sure it is) and that Mod1 is Alt.

This works like a charm.

Had to learn sudo su and Ted details first.
Had to re-read your command again; missed the ':' at first.

xkill is the secret.  This works as well on a plain old xterm,
I found.

Thanks a heap.  I never had such fast and accurate help b4.

Pretty cool! That code worked like a charm!
Pretty cool! That code worked like a charm!
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