DSL Tips and Tricks :: DSC-II or Damn Small Capio II

Quote (dSlfOo @ Oct. 12 2006,23:09)

Have you sent my DOC yet?

Scott H.

(yep, around the time of your message)
OK, since it might take some time baking DOC's: searching for my TC325, opening it up, take out the ISA board, swapping DOC's, putting back in the ISA board, connecting a hard-disk, baking the DOC,  taking it out again and put it on antistatic foam, in an envelope, mailing it, etc, etc.

_ If there are any other interested, I will go through the procedure  
once I have some five requests. And PLEASE, those I _did_ send a DOC and that did not send me the old one back, please send the old one to me, since that was part of the deal...


Of course, using the newest thread on this forum about packing
/knoppix into initrd, see http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....t=15960
on can boot (via ms-dos) natively from the DOC, provided this is an around 64MB DOC.this thread

what is the smallest sized DOC that u can fit DSL on ?

I received my DOC, and I "really" appreciate your time and efforts.  I know that programming these is a hassle, but it's a great service to the community.  I am now running DSL 2.3 on my CapioII, and it works GREAT!  

I'll probably want another DOC, since I got 2 Capio's on Ebay, so I guess I'll have to just Paypal the money and wait until you get 5 requests for DOCs.  Do you get requests often?

Also, I'll be sending the original DOC back to you soon.  Would it help if I pulled the other one and sent it at the same time?

Thanks again,
Scott H.

Quote (dans34 @ Nov. 11 2006,19:17)
what is the smallest sized DOC that u can fit DSL on ?

> what is the smallest sized DOC that u can fit DSL on ?

Well, DSL does not fit on < 51 MB or so. But an 8MB DOC will fit DOS plus loadlin.exe + minirt24.gz + linux24. Any old el-cheapo USB stick of 64MB containing /knoppix/KNOPPIX will then do to boot DSL on the Capio or other DOCbased Intel/AMD/Cyrix systems.

Including many broken MP3 players as long as the filesystem is intact, usb-to-cf/mmc/sd/pcmcia adapters, usb to HD adapters plus an old laptop harddisk ( this also allows swapspace!), etc, etc.
Or, DSL salvages old hardware! ( and salvage is my primary drivers.)

Re : flashing DOCs: I will flash some DOC's again around christmas - not much time before that.

:cool: Michel

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