DSL Tips and Tricks :: Only running from CD-No Harddrive question

How can I expand the capacity of my / directory so that
I can load some programs to that as a base directory?  I want
to set up a version with TCL/Expect on CD so that i can take advantage of the Expect scripting.  The computer that I am trying to get this to work on is a 1.5Ghz with 1 gig ram and no harddrive.  Adding a hardrive is not an option, it needs to run strictly from CD.

I also need to use mkmyDSL to create a new CD once I get TCL/Expect installed but again, I do not have a harddrive available for this computer.


If you boot with the "write" option, or run /etc/init.d/mkwriteable, you will have write access to /usr, /bin, /sbin, and /lib so you can install applications into ram.  If you want to add apps directly to the cdrom, there are a couple of ways to do it...
1. You could remaster the ISO (mkmydsl), which would enable you to auto-load myDSL packages. For deb packages you'd need to load them either manually or have commands to load them from a startup script, which would then need to be put into either a mydsl package or a backup archive.
2. You could remaster the KNOPPIX file, which would allow you to insert the apps directly and permanently into the filesystem, and you would not need to run mkwriteable.

original here.