DSL Tips and Tricks :: headphones
if my sound wont work can i get headphones to work easier then gettig the other sound to work on an ibm thinkpad 600e
Headphones use the same soundcard than the loudspeakers, so headphones wouldn't be of any help...
Unless you mean USB headphones/speakers, which should work.(they have their own "soundcard") I havent had any problems with those, as long as they are connected when booting.
But. I remember reading of a solution to your problem (with ibm thinkpad 600) in these forums
Search the forums.
The hardware of some sound cards cancel your audio outputs when are connected to low impedance devices. This is a protection against short-circuit or overload on your audio outputs
PC speakers have a audio amplifier then they have high impedance input and not problem. But headphones not have audio amplifier (speaker direct) then have low impedance and can cause that problem.
WARNING: Also while inserting any plug into audio output jack on PC frequently produce short-circuit for a moment then sound card can cancel audio output. Because is convenient turn off computer before to connect an plug into audio output jack.
My english is not good. If you not understand, please tell me and i will attempt a better explanation.
The Thinkpad 600E sound driver loading suggested in the forums seems to work for other 600E owners here except for yourself. This is strange since I would expect all of them to have the same sound chipset.
Are you sure that your soundcard is not physically broken? Could you play sounds from a different OS like Windows 95/98?
The other possibility is that your soundcard resources have been changed from their factory default values to some other settings. You might be able to check if you went into your 600E system BIOS and looked at your sound resource settings.
to answer the above question about my sound, i know it works because if i hold the "FN" key an dhi tthe page up or down keys it raises and lowers the volume and beeps. If u want i can post the dmesg in here for you to read and maybe that will help yu help me.
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