DSL Tips and Tricks :: Faster Copy ?
Sorry this is an old thread - I'm not in the forum much right now.
If you're still interested Humpty -
are you running with swap? If so try the same experiment with noswap (I will when I'm next on dsl). If the swap is thrashing that's probably what's slowing it down.
I suspect dd and cp use memory (and hence swap) quite differently but I'd have to get out my books to check and I'm on holidays
no swap.
ha, i have given up on this. Web searches don't turn up anyhting.
The standard hdparm test do give 50 mbytes/s and 40 mbytes/s for each disk, but this I suspect are only the speeds of the interfaces.
The only hunches I have left are either a vfat driver that's not optimized or may something to do with multi-threaded dd.
The kerneltrap forum can be good for this sort of thing. You might try posting there. If you do find out what it is, please post back here since it's interesting.
original here.