DSL Tips and Tricks :: Load "embedded" settings under "fromhd" boot
I have a thumbdrive with a 5-way install on it. The problem I had is that running it embedded saved files to backup.tar.gz on "hdb", which in turn is stored on "harddisk" in the qemu/ folder on sda1. When I used a cd to boot it up with a "dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal" option, the system would save to a different backup.tar.gz on the root folder of sda1.
I don't want to deal with two inconsistant copies of the same files depending on how I chose to boot DSL.
Load the embedded version of backup.tar.gz when booting frugal "fromhd" with a cd. I chose this solution as opposed to loading the frugal-style backup.tar.gz when booting embedded because qemu doesn't really recognize sda1 (of if it does, I don't know how to make it do that).
(assuming you already have a backup.tar.gz from using embedded)
With a livecd, boot "dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal".
Use the fluxbox mount app to mount sda1.
In an xterm, "cd /mnt/sda1/qemu"
"sudo mount -t ext2 harddisk /mnt/test"
Your embedded system's backup.tar.gz can now be found on /mnt/test.
This linkage is already setup and was listed in past change logs.
Use the additional option of restore=harddisk
With a livecd, boot "dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal restore=harddisk"
This provides as easy shared backup.
original here.