DSL Tips and Tricks :: mousless OS
does this mean, that i have to get the developer-version to have that feature? otherwise i have to bind the applicationlaunch to keystrokes?
what makes me curious is the fact, that even jwm has the ability to navigate through the rootmenu via arrowkeys.
do i have to compile the developer-version if i deceide to use it? anyone did it before with tcc? are there any unresolved dependencies?
The devel version is available from the myDSL repository. 0.9.11 is in "window mgr apps" and 0.9.14 is in "uci". 0.9.11 uses its own set of config files in $HOME/.fluxbox_0.9.11 and 0.9.14 uses the same files as DSL's fluxbox.
As I said before I don't know for sure if this is a feature not in fluxbox stable, and i haven't yet checked it, but I assume that you would be able to do it by default if it was available. There is no init resource for this feature that I'm aware of.
Found this page: http://home.nyc.rr.com/computertaijutsu/fluxbox.html
Down the page you will find fluxbox navigation keys patch info.
EDIT: I went back and checked the link to the patch - its not linked anymore. Anyway, some more info on Fluxbox. I had no luck configuring menu navigation other than getting root menu to come up. Oh well.....
i switched to jwm - it is (at least for me) a lot easier to use, because you can nativly navigate the rootmenu with arrowkeys. i do not really need a keygrabber.
here are my settings for JWM so far:
ALT + F1 = rootmenu
ALT + F2 = window settings
ALT + TAB = next window
ALT + 1,2,3,4 = desktop 1,2,3,4
ALT + o = maximize window
ALT + F4 = Close window
for browsing the www with keyboard only i use w3m (could not find proper documentation on netrik)
i made /home/dsl/docs for a set of textfiles, which contains the keybindings for each application i need. there is one file for each application with keybindings. so i made one file for xpdf, one for xmms, one for jwm. then i can read these on an xterm on lets say desktop#2 while the application is running on desktop#1.
that is it - it works perfect for me. it was really made within minutes to edit .jwmrc in /home/dsl.
now i can finally get rid of the mouse ;-)
I downloaded the fluxbox-0.9.14.uci - -good news - cursor key navigation works!!!
It should also work in the 0.9.11.dsl version (anything above 0.9.4 - it should work).
I had a Knoppix 4.0.2 disk and booted it to fluxbox and cursor kay navigation worked there.
So, the answer is yes - cursor key navigation works!
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