DSL Tips and Tricks :: saving background pic

Hey MDG, no you don't need to change them, any .jpg or .png can be used(not sure about other formats). I've even used icon's just for fun. That X snapshot sucks, i use gimp to take snap shots, it works just like ksnapsot you can set a timer and "save as" any format you want(.jpg, .png, etc..). It's under file>aquire>screenshot in gimp. For wmdrawer you have to change the wmdrawerrc down at the bottom so they point to .png and .gif on mine i noticed the difference was in the spelling, like starting with capital when it should be lower case. They changes i made were just commenting(#) out the ones i don't want and adding my own.->

# Images directories

# A first column
# Each button must be defined with this syntax:
# (tooltip)  (image)  (command)

#(Sylpheed) (Sylpheed.png) (sylpheed)
#(Beaver) (Beaver.png) (beaver)
#(axyFTP) (Ftp.gif) (axyftp)

(MyDSL) (Mydslgui.png) (mydslPanel.lua)
(Emelfm) (Emelfm.gif) (emelfm)
(Terminal) (Aterm.png) (aterm -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash) #(rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow  -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash)
(DSLPanel) (Cpanel.png) (cpanel)
(Dillo) (Dillo.png) (dillo)
(Gimp)          (gimp-1.2.png)   (gimp)
# A second column

#(Xmms) (Xmms.png) (xmms)
#(RDesktop) (Rdesktop.png) (/usr/local/bin/rdesktop.lua)
#(VNCViewer) (Vnc.gif) (vncviewer)
#(Siag) (Siag.png) (siag)
#(Xpdf) (Xpdf.gif) (xpdf)
#(XPaint) (Xpaint.png) (xpaint)
#(XZGV Viewer) (Xzgv.png) (xzgv)
#(Xpdf) (Xpdf.gif) (xpdf)

(Rox)           (home.png)      (sh /opt/.start_rox)
(Drives)        (USB_Drive.png) (rox /mnt/)
(Rox Root)      (File Vault.png) (sudo rox)
(Gaim) (gaim.png) (/usr/bin/start_gaim)
(Firefox) (mozilla.png) (/usr/local/bin/firefox)
(Xkill)         (xkill3.png)    (xkill)

original here.