DSL Tips and Tricks :: Installing Citrix ICA client

  I recieve the same shared library error.  So hopefully someone has seen this problem before.  I'm also going to be trying to install Cisco Vpn Client so when I'm oncall I can connect to work from any pc I wish.  That was my plan at least.


Hmmm...wfcmgr started up fine on my installation. I also used this method to get it to work on Ubuntu. FYI, I have the following applications automatically loaded in my /opt/bootlocal.sh when I start DSL:

mydsl-load gtk2-0705.unc
mydsl-load firefox-*.uci
mydsl-load dsl-dpkg.dsl
mydsl-load gnu-utils.unc
mydsl-load abiword.unc
mydsl-load XFree86.unc
mydsl-load vim.uci
mydsl-load xscreensaverGTK.unc
mydsl-load mplayer-1.0pre8cvs.uci
mydsl-load mplayerplug-in.dsl
mydsl-load codecpak.unc
mydsl-load cups.unc
/etc/init.d/cupsys start
dpkg -i libxaw6_4.1.0-16woody6_i386.deb
dpkg -i --force-confold tsocks_1.8beta4-2_i386.deb

Maybe there's something in one of those that's making it work for me?


FYI, the opera builds in mydsl are the staticly linked builds.

I think the file is /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.so.3 if anyone wants to just package it for this purpose...

no sense in loading more than you need :)

Firecat53 and Sunack:

Following your instructions I was able to download the older Citrix ICA Client, install it and get it to run.

I setup a connection to my application within the CItrix Client, then created a shortcut on the desktop to the ICA Client.

I then followed the instructions elsewhere in the forum to remaster a CD. That only partially worked.

When the new CD fired up it had the Citrix Client installed, but did not include the desktop shortcut I had created, and the client would not work.  I got the Libx error.

I redid the gnu-untils.dsl install per Firecat53's instructions, and the Citrix Client started working.  It did not have my connection settings however, they had to be recreated.

Obviously I missed copying quite alot to the remaster directories when I created the new iso.  

Can someone point me to the extra steps to include this in my next try?

I need to make sure the gnu-untils copies over, as well as the desktop shortcut to the ICA CLient and the ICA Client connections settings.

My ultimate goal is to create a remastered CD that starts up and presents the ICA Client (with the correct application settings) and only the ICA client.  

The remastered CD will be used to start classroom computers in an opportunity high school.

Any help will be appreciated.

original here.