DSL Tips and Tricks :: Browser cache trick.

I use this trick all the time with my FireFox:

Code Sample
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs -o size=32M /home/dsl/.mozilla/firefox/<rest of the path to FF cache>

Basically it 'moves' FireFox cache to ram. Makes it run a little faster.

Change size=32M to what ever you like.
Also set FireFox cache to little bit less than the partition created with code above. One meg should be just fine.

This is almost useless if you run DSL from ram.
If I run DSL from ram I mount that cache dir some where else and place a link to FireFox cache path to point to that mount. With this trick I can be sure that FF cache wont be saved to my memory stick.

Good one. thanks!
I never was sure what tmpfs was used for...now i know at least one good use.

heh, isn't /ramdisk dependent on tmpfs?  I'd say that's a pretty good use too :)
I guess it probably is.  I never bothered to discover how the ramdisk was created, but i guess since Zucca's other post about increasing ramdisk size remounted a tmpfs filesystem it should have clued me in... :p
Interesting, i use the fasterfox extension with disk cache turned off(set to 0) so i don't even have a cache folder in my /.mozilla file. if i turn it on then there is a cache folder there. so i'm wondering is that fasterfox setting doing the same thing as your little trick?   ???
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