DSL Tips and Tricks :: Very easy question. Please help.

Your first post sounds as if you're saying that it doesn't have an effect on the harddrive space:
I deleted them but the hard drive meter says that space is still being used

What harddrive meter are you referring to, by the way?

We could use a little more information on this. Like, is it frugal install, hdinstall, from CD?

My answer could apply to frugal at least. I don't run hdinstall or from CD so I don't know about those.

When DSL boots up it creates a ramdisk. This is basically an image of a harddisk stored in RAM (or swap) (or can be created on the hdd). The size of this ramdisk is given when created, ie 1Gb, now that ramdisk takes up 1Gb in RAM or on the hdd. You create, edit, delete files from/to said ramdisk as if it were a regular physical disk, but the size of it is always 1Gb. You can delete all the files from /home/dsl, but the ramdisk /home/dsl "lives in" is still going to be whatever size it was when it was created.

Quote (mikshaw @ Aug. 01 2006,07:23)
Your first post sounds as if you're saying that it doesn't have an effect on the harddrive space:
I deleted them but the hard drive meter says that space is still being used

What harddrive meter are you referring to, by the way?

Get a more accurate read of your hard drive space in a terminal with the command:
Code Sample
df -h

i'm no expert in this area, but i believe the ramdisk size stays the same unless the o.s runs out of memory and needs to reclaim some of it.
Yea, you can see the memory cache by using `free` or `top`, and the amount currently being used.
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