DSL Tips and Tricks :: mkmydsl remaster

I copied the mkmydsl script to a new file and changed these lines:

Code Sample

echo "${BLUE}Copying DSL image for remastering...${NORMAL}"
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom2 > /dev/null 2>&1
cp -Rp /cdrom2/* "$SOURCE"
umount /cdrom2

To these lines that I lifted from the frugal lite script:

Code Sample

echo "${BLUE}Copying DSL image for remastering...${NORMAL}"
mkdir /mnt/iso
mount /mnt/sda1/current.iso /mnt/iso -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop0
cp -Rp /mnt/iso/* "$SOURCE"

It looks for the current.iso on my usb drive so I can copy all of my extensions in an /optional directory before I burn a new CD.  If you use a hard drive partition change the path to the current.iso.

original here.