DSL Tips and Tricks :: Removing Kernel Modules

where is the exact location of "newcd/source/usr/bin" (i.e. full path)?

Depmod does the module dependency lists, for efficient use by modprobe, etc.  You should not need mkwriteable just for remastering, but I was just saying it may be easier to modify the modules on the current ramdisk, run depmod to update, then you can easily copy it over to your remastering sandbox.

->the dir is in a hard disk partition created for the remastering and editing/deleting some file in it would only give me RO file system error, could have had deleted the beaver executable
->also the command whereis gives out the location of a particular executable file but how about it's config etc? how can i find the other parts?
->is there any particular example on when to use depmod?i know it's a kernel module compatibility check.. im better not to mess with this now. :laugh:

thanks again rule^ for the warm reply.

1. mount it as rw?
2. you should use "which" or "command -v" to find the location of an executable within $PATH.  Configs are app-specific - usually check in /etc for system-wide configs, or ~/.project_name* for user contained configs.
3. it's not just a check, it will generate the lists used by modprobe.  example: depmod -a

original here.