DSL Tips and Tricks :: dsl2unc

If you've got it all compiled and running ok from /opt,  you should build a uci instead of an unc

If only I could figure out how to make one...

Guess we still have a doc problem.

This is from Saidin's notes in the old wiki and is about repacking a uci - I don't know if it's still there.  You need to adapt it a bit to make a uci from scratch.  In your case you're half way there since I don't think you need a user.tar.gz (no menu or icon).

Replace /opt/firefox in the following with /opt/xorg72.

Instead of steps 8 and 9, put any files and their directories that need to be written to writeable areas of the filesystem (/home/dsl, /opt (other than in xorg72), /tmp) such as menus or icons in the work/firefox/user directory,  and make a list with eg:

cd user
find -type f >list


To change/update a UCI file do the following: (example here is firefox.uci)
1. mount the uci as normal
2. mkdir work
3. cd work
4. cp -a /opt/firefox/.
5. cd firefox
6. mkdir user
7. cd user
8. tar -zxvf ../user.tar.gz
9. tar -ztf ../user.tar.gz > list
10. -- now edit the actual files as needed --
11. -- be sure to edit/update the "list"
12. tar -T list --numeric-owner --no-recursion -czvf ../user.tar.gz
13. cd ..
14. rm -rf user
15. cd ..
16. mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad firefox/|create_compressed_fs - 65536 > ../firefox.uci
17. cd ..
20. rm -rf work
(Thanks to Robert Shingledecker)

Guess we still have a doc problem.

Oops, not really...I've been to the extensions page in the Wiki several times, but managed to miss the uci part - maybe because I was looking for unc at the time.

Quote (WDef @ June 09 2007,17:08)
You need to adapt it a bit to make a uci from scratch.

One thing that isn't included is the removal of the .xtdesktop icon when the uci is umounted.  I'm not sure what the standard way of doing this is.
Don't use the Status field in an Icon file for any extension and it should be automatically deleted upon shutdown.
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