Mr. Hat: I tried boot option "knoppix_dir=" a couple dozen times in every conceivable form, like knoppix_dir=/cdrom/knoppix or knoppix_dir=knoppix or knoppix_dir=/dev/scd0/knoppix et cetera. Nothing worked. Every case led to bright red error message "dropping to a very limited shell"..... I also tried using "knoppix_dri=" option on good, bootable DSL CD [[with CAPITALIZED knoppix folder name]] like knoppix_dir=KNOPPIX. Using boot option led to "limited shell" while no option boots OK - regardless of various forms tried. Seems knoppix_dir boot option broken on linux24. [[I am using DSL 2.2B]]hrwusesdsl: what device are you using? If you are using some usb, you may want to use dsl-embedded's minirt because that one I believe looks in more devices.
Quote (hrwusesdsl @ Dec. 18 2006,02:56)
Seems knoppix_dir boot option broken on linux24. [[I am using DSL 2.2B]]
Did those options work before? Samething happened to me, I ended up editing those variables in minirt24.gz/linuxrc, for the 2.x versions where they used the 2.4.31 kernel - I'm not sure."knoppix_dir" boot option never worked for me nohow, noway, ever, at all. I am booting straight from CD. Kernel is 2.4.26.Next Page...
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