DSL Tips and Tricks :: torsmo and wireless
By default, torsmo displays statistics for eth0 but with two small tweaks, you can change those statistics to display for wlan0 if you are running DSL on a laptop (or desktop for that matter) with a wireless internet connection.
Quick summary:
*edit .torsmo_ip: change eth0 to wlan0
*edit .torsmorc file: change eth0 to wlan0
Detailed steps:
*open .torsmo_ip using vi:
at the $ prompt type "vi /home/dsl/.torsmo_ip" [no quotes]
*use standard vi commands to replace "eth0" with "wlan0" or whatever you configured your wireless device as.
*save any changes you made to the file.
type ":wq" [no quotes to write the file and quit vi]
*open .torsmorc using vi:
at the $ prompt type "vi /home/dsl/.torsmorc" [no quotes]
*scroll down to line 169.
*Use standard vi commands to replace "eth0" with "wlan0" or whatever you configured your wireless device as.
*save any changes you made to the file.
type ":wq" [no quotes to write the file and quit vi]
*finally you will need to restart torsmo, but first kill the existing process.
*to find the existing torsmo process that is running type "ps -e | grep torsmo" [no quotes]. (ps -e displays a list of running processes. Pipe combines two commands (in this case "ps" and "grep". grep searches for a string (in this case "torsmo"). When we put this all together, that command prints out the process information of all of the processes with torsmo in the name).
*The first column that is output by ps -e is the PID (or processes ID).
*Type kill followed by the PID number for torsmo. Take note that it is no longer running on your desktop.
*Finally, restart torsmo to see the effects of the changes you have made. Simply type "/usr/local/bin/torsmo" [no quotes].
If you made the changes correctly, you should now see your Up/Down K/s change while you browse the internet and your computers IP address should be correctly displayed after the hostname under the green bar.
Alternatively, you can use Emelfm to browse for the torsmo files which will open them in the Beaver text editor by default. This method might be easier if you are not familiar with basic vi commands.
I've always just changed the lines in torsmorc and it worked great. As for the editor, I prefer Beaver in GUI and Nano in shell.
Maybe I should have just mentioned to use your favorite editor. I am just in the habit of using vi. I learned that and emacs a long time ago and still prefer those two editors over others since I am the most familiar with them. I do agree with you about Beaver for GUI.
I was just trying to make my explanation as explicit as possible. I've noticed a lot of people tend to assume a certain level of user competance with their instructions but I figured if someone is actually trying to read and follow my post, they must be fairly new to linux in general and may not know all of the steps required to modify configuration files, etc.
It was my first post...just bare with me until I get the hang of this particular forum ;-) The next one will be better :-)
Oh, I wasn't commenting about your post. I am pretty damn new to Linux, with only a few months of poking around in the guts. I was just mentioning that I prefer Beaver and Nano, but only because thanks to DSL, those are the editors I know best.
As for thorough explanations, I prefer them and tend to operate the same way. After all, not everyone will know where to find torsmorc, or init in fluxbox. Hell, for about a month I didn't even know how to view hidden files and directories. ;)
original here.