DSL Tips and Tricks :: A quick guide on compiling XOrg 7.0 on DSL

No, don't delete Xvmc libs - they provide video accel for intel and via..
Perhaps providing a totally stripped extension would be best as far as "easy" goes (and placing everything else in another for now).

The easiest would be the things in .../bin and .../lib because you can easily modify $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  I regularly use xcalc... and xedit can come in handy, and other users would want some specifics, so imo providing the "extras" extension would be good enough for now (though older ones may already exist in DSL).  Other things like using ModulePath in the xconfig could be used..

If you look at the current XFree86 extension, I think it contains the bare minimums, and only has the opengl libraries as extras.  Typically you'll need to load gnu-utils that contains all the other goodies (xrandr, etc. though I don't think that's all of it either)

I guess `grep -i xdm -r *` could do the trick?


What's actually the problem you're having making a uci?

Temporary wiki blindness - I've made and tested xorg72.uci on a couple of machines and it works fine. The file size is currently 175MB so I'm having a few problems to upload it anywhere...
Great work, thx Jaunito and all.

Looking forward to trying this - maybe I'll finally get to see graphics acceleration with dsl and the 915GM chipset.

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