DSL Tips and Tricks :: Wine install/general program install help

I've been messing around with Dsl for a few weeks now, but consider me extremely new.

I have tried unsuccessfully to install wine and some other txt reader apps (guttenberg txt reader). That's my immediate goal, but I'm also in it for the learning value.

If anyone could explain exactly, step by step, how to get wine or any file type installed on DSL, that would be great.

Here's the problem - I have to do it without an internet connection on this particular computer (I have access on another computer). I'm running on a Dell Inspiron laptop, 366 mhz, 64 mb ram, 4 gb hd, win modem (hence, no internet).



Post your tips and tricks here.  No 'help me' type posts please.
Wrong section to post this.  But a quick answer would be to use mydsl (damnsmalllinux.org>download>mirror>mydsl) and download some version of wine.  Then transfer it over, "mydsl-load /path/to/saved/mydsl/file.ext" , and then you can run "wine /path/to/my/file.exe"

original here.