DSL Tips and Tricks :: set wallpaper

Quote (mikshaw @ Dec. 01 2007,15:25)
I wonder why you need to copy the file?
This single line should do as well as the two you have:
xsri --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 $1

In any case, that's a handy tip. thanks

I believe the --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 options are assigned by default.

Edit: after trying it, it seems you need it!

BTW/ very cool! Thanks   (now here's an excellent use for icons /drag & drop...(put the script in the wallpaper folder and its only one desktop icon))

Quote (roberts @ Dec. 02 2007,08:56)
So using this scheme every window manager has the same wallpaper?

well, every window manager that has the xsri command in the .inc file will load it at X startup.
infact, thinking about it, it's probably best if the .inc file just call set_wallpaper instead of the xsri command.

anyway, i have combined set_wallpaper and reload_wallpaper into one script;
Code Sample


#set_wallpaper <file>

#copy the wallpaper to a file called 'default' inside the desktop wallpaper folder and load it.
#if no <file> is given, just reload 'default'

if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
cp $1 /home/dsl/.dfmdesk/wallpaper/default
xsri --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 /home/dsl/.dfmdesk/wallpaper/default

just double click set_wallpaper to reload it.

I'm having lots of fun with this script


Nice. Seeing various wallpapers, reminds me of the difficulty that I have with my vision and aterm's transparency. While transparency is a cool feature it can, for me, be difficult to read when overlayed on some backgrounds. The transparency can be easily turned off by changing the .Xdefaults file in your home directory.

Aterm*transparent: false

re: aterm -tr: for lighter/mixed backgrounds, I like to increase the shade amount i.e. with -sh
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