DSL Tips and Tricks :: Firefox (flash and language), Backup exit, *.deb

1) I have DSL 4.2.5 and I use Firefox but when i surf on flash site (as www.tim.it) I must download flash plug-in, I restart the browser but always appear the download plug-in (as root) !

2) I haven't understand how on DSL I can change the language; on Debian Lenny i put the Italian language by:
# apt-get install iceweasel-l10n-it

3) DSL is a Debian based distribution, on Debian I can use *.deb but I haven't understand what kind of deb i can use !
For example on Amsn downlohttp://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=amsn&searchon=names&version=all&release=all&exact=1ad
I don't know if i can use Sarge, Etch or Sid !

4) On Exit button i have the backup flag, if I don't remove this flag i can't shutdown the machine; i have find on System, backup configuration but i haven't understand what kind of device i need to put here (Another machine ? External drive ? A directory path on this machine ?); I have a workgroup lan, there aren't servers...

There are good answers to be had on all these issues by searching these forums and/or the dsl wiki:

1. Flash 7 will work on dsl - there is a forum post describing how to do this.
3. dsl is "somewhat" linked to debian woody although some libs are closer to sarge - using apt-get is something of a trial and error process, better to use mydsl extensions.
4. You can specify a path (eg sda1) where dsl will write it's backup to hd, usb, etc)

Thanks Juanito for the reply ! :)

1) I have see the flash player 7 but i'd like to use flash 8 for a web site and for this reason i need to understand how to upgrate it ! :)

3) Ok, i have see the dsl package in ftp://ftp.vein.hu/pub....ml.save

4) Ok, in the "backup area" i can write hda1 only or for example /my_backup_dir


original here.