This will be a lame question for those of you who are use to linux but how do you install this in your dsl? i downloaded in dsl but dang is there like somewhere i can learn to install .deb files? and run them....
howto install .deb files in dsl?
open terminal and type $ sudo dpkg -i filename.deb
that's it! haha..well if you apt-get installed then it would show on the menu..if you download the deb then you might have to put it in the var/cache/apt/archives directory to use the dpkg install..not sure, if it is in home dsl you may need to path it. if that helps
with regard to this thread..I DO like to auto hide the slit top center and run the wmdrawer..this allows me to pop it over the browser and open bever or crank some tunes or if you use dial up put a shortcut to ppdial in the drawer..or pop it over the word processor and look up a word in the dictionary..dozens of handy uses.
original here.