DSL Tips and Tricks :: New to linux
Hey I'm new to the linux community. I have been a windows user and am kindda of confused (and can't spell sorry) about some things. like how do i get to the CD rom drive and it picks up my usb flash drive but how do i get to it? Is there a way to get a list of all hardware so i can figure out what drivers i need. like in windows i can go to device manager. When i go to the wifi config thing it says no network cards found, but i have one in a pci slot. is there any tutorials for linux. well any help would be appreciated. I here linux users are good for helping each other.
A good start would be to search through the forum here and find all of your answers. Really, the search function is the first, best, place to start.
I only use a laptop and cd, hd. no usb booting.
I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. When you can
operate in Linux / Unix you will never go back to Windoze.
original here.