DSL Tips and Tricks :: arrange icons on desktop
is there a way to arrange the icons on the desktop??
besides...what about doubleclick?
any tips wouls be nice
greetings günter
You need to state which version as changes have been made in this area and more changes to come.
Look at the text file /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/xtdeskrc
If you set Cols to 0 then the X and Y positions will be honored.
Using the right click on any icon and select properties you can set the X and Y positions. You can adjust Cols and the other table Layout section values to achieve other auto positioning schemes.
I have double or single click working and will be made available soon. It will be controlled via the ClickInterval.
This together with Cols 0 will allow dragging icons Stay tuned.
cool info!
beside,I suppose that a noicons/icons loop via menu would reset the situation, in case you mess up, would it?
sounds promising
thanks günter
original here.