DSL Tips and Tricks :: iso8859-9 problem
hi all
I have been trying to figure out how to change language, character set, country settings for a week
no chance
main problem occured with my new application
I wrote it on kylix+ibx (actually delphi clx+ crosskylix)
everything works fine until now
I can see all the buttons and labels in ISO8859-9(TURKISH)
because (my opinion) my application uses its own charset.
But the database related fields like dbedit, dbgrid or any label gets data from db dont show characters correctly.
I couldnt see any tool or option to change lang or charset in DSL. I am using default english iso8859-1 now.
any help appreciated.
DSL doesn't have built-in language support, and from what I understand it won't have it. DSL is maintained by a very small group of American English-speaking people....any internationalization will need to be done externally.
I think u r not aware of dsl 2.0
it has lang option in the boot screen
but it loses the settings after hd install
As far as I know, that is mainly for keyboard support. Just about everything else is English-only.
As always, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I thought what u said
it is changing all locale settings, not only keyboard
check system status tool, u ll see it
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