The Testing Area :: December Extensions

azureus-gtk2_java- is now posted, thanks to jls
It still has the problem described here
Not sure if I should be commenting this here...

Selim: you said you fixed it by
- Write access for Other on /tmp was set

but, I feel the correct way is not include the /tmp folder in the extension, let alone other folders - unless necessary for installation.

You are right. As you say, as mikshaw said before and explained here the proper way to fix that is to not include the /tmp folder in the extensions. I gave the "set write access for other on /tmp" workaround because i thought it was easier to do and explain.
I've fixed the /tmp problem discussed above.
If u are interested, redownload nerolinux, azureus, amsn and amule from here

legalize cannabis, etc.

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