The Testing Area :: August Extensions

Thanks. There didn't seem to be any info about this on the GNU website, so I just assumed I've been using the newest version.
My plan for this weekend:
- Update all the '.info' files for all my submitted extensions, using identical formatting.
- aria2 (0.11.2) [aria2.uci -> aria2.tar.gz] 190K
- codecpak-lite.tar.gz [-> codecpak-lite.uci] 2.2M
- curl (7.16.4) [curl.uci -> curl.tar.gz] 110K
- elinks (latest-dev) [elinks.uci -> elinks.tar.gz] 280K
- MOC (2.4.3) [moc.uci -> moc.tar.gz] 300K
- wine-0.9.4x.uci (0.9.43)

I thought it would be good to notify in advance.

bitlbee.uci in testing from march...
Code Sample
dsl@************:~$ /opt/bitlbee/bitlbee
Warning: Unable to read configuration file `/opt/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf'.
:localhost. NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on
ERROR :Warning: The configuration directory /var/lib/bitlbee/ does not exist. Configuration won't be saved.
ERROR :Warning: Error opening helpfile /opt/bitlbee/help.txt.

ERROR :Error: Fatal signal received: 2. That's probably a bug.

Thanks lucky13, I will try to get bitlbee working.
How i can send to test...If its for spanish users...128Mb... by email no (have only 50 Mb)


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