The Testing Area :: January Extensions

Thanks goes to castillo for:

Thanks to Lucky13 for:

Thanks to Lucky13 for: slock.dsl

Please don't use it. Robert, please remove until I can fix it. Sorry. :-\

EDIT... I've fixed and resubmitted, but please wait for Robert to post it before attempting to use it. The one that works has the following md5sum (changed for reason below):
278b83678762c57bad895910fb3e8271  slock.dsl

I also removed the menu entry because I don't want someone to invoke it unintentionally without setting a password. You must set a password for your user (dsl). There are no prompts. You type the password. Success, you get back to your desktop. Failure, console beep. It isn't fancy, but it's only a few kb (and unlike xscreensaver, there's no daemon or CPU wasting graphics to mess with).

OK. Removed.
Two extensions coming:

Gnucash.tar.gz - gtk1

All three files included in those (ext, md5, info)
(Gnucash was too big for my email, and popt-dev just came along)

edit: gnucash pack is not packed with bz2, seems I mistakedly used -z instead of -j with tar.

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