The Testing Area :: April extensions

Your sane.uci detects my umax scanner fine using sane-find-scanner, but that is as far as I can go, being spoiled by xsane no doubt.  I am not too familiar with scanning at the command line, and my xsane.dsl does not work with this extension.

Thanks for trying it out - I'm not too sure what you mean by xsane - the sane.uci extension has scanimage (command line) and xscanimage (gui).

Since it finds my scanner, I am sure it is just a pebkac/configuration issue on my part.

I believe that if "sane-find-scanner"/"scanimage -L" find your scanner, it is just a question (how easy that is to say) of adding a suitable .conf file to /etc/sane.d/ and then scanimage and xscanimage should work.

xfree86 in Debian Woody is version 4.1.0.

- I was thinking the version in dsl was xfree86-4.2.1 (but I can't remember why - from the dsl package listing maybe?)

 Xsane basically makes scanning point and click.  There is no configuration required.  You just click MyDSL -> Xsane and then click "preview" and then "scan".  Just makes the process easier.

OK, got it - I'll try to compile xsane into/against the sane.uci/gimp-1.2.uci extensions in the next couple of days.
Re: Version of X11 in DSL chroot
Even xfree86 3.3.6 has should be from xorg 6.x.
I'm trying out xorg 6.9.0 now.

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