The Testing Area :: alsa.dsl for 2.0

Hi Sarah

It's great to hear you got it to work!
I haven't had this much "Fun" configuring sound since my 1st 486 using Win 3.1.
Going back to trying to automate the process. There is a command line version called "amixer". I need to do some reading though, because I haven't had much success getting it to accept my commands. I think if you type "amixer -h" you'll get a list of possible commands. I'll check when I get home. I'm hoping get together something usefull to put in the I'll keep you posted.

Cheers (MMM I love Scotch Yum Yum)

Hi Sarah
I managed to get this to work. I put these lines in my "amixer sset Master 5"
"amixer sset PCM 5". Seems to work fine. There are more options, if you need them. Type "amixer -h".

Chuckakan - thank you, I'll try adding that in when I get home (I'm about 900 km south of my machine at the moment ;o) )
Cheers and Beers!

alsa.dsl worked fine for me with a Creative Soundblaster Live 24.  I'm running this in a headless MP3 jukebox, so I went through the same alsamixer muting and commandline options with amixer that Sarah's been talking about.

I have my /opt/ set to:
/usr/bin/amixer set "Analog Front" 60% >/dev/null 2&1

It seems the reason that the alsamixer settings are set back to zero everytime is because it is explicitly set that way in the /etc/init.d/alsasound script.  Here is the relevant section from there:

Code Sample

# mute master to avoid clicks at unload
/usr/bin/amixer set Master mute >/dev/null 2&1

(btw, if someone could tell me htf to copy text from an xterm into another application, like this web forum's pages, I'd be greatly appreciative.  Sick of typing the stuff.)

There does appear to be one problem with this, alsa is supposed to restore previous settings when you reboot.  It doesn't do that, and there is a message about it at boot time when alsa is setting up that says something like, "Unable to restore mixer settings".  This appears to be a problem in other Linux distros as well, from what I've been able to gather on the web.

Having said all that, thanks for the package.  It does a good job and sounds great.

Highlight the text in your XTerm by using the mouse to click-n-drag over the text.

Then move over to firefox and click on the middle mouse button into your reply text entry box.

For most mice, the scroll wheel is also the middle-mouse button, so push down on the scroll wheel.

For two-button mice, press both mouse buttons at the EXACT same sime.

The highlighted text should get pasted into your firefox reply text entry box.

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