The Testing Area :: New Externsions

More housecleaning and catching up.
Sorry for the delay, been busy with the RC's and 2.0 release.
But things are getting caught up....

Now posted in the Testing area of the repository:

1. reiserfsprogs.dsl
2. findutils.uci
3. coreutils.uci
4. procps.uci
5. zgv.tar.gz
6. ipw2100.dsl
7. ipw2200.dsl
8. enigma.uci
9. ultramixer.dsl
10. BitTornado.dsl
11. xgalaga.dsl
12. conky.uci
13. fluxbox_0.9.14.uci
14. audacity
15. scummvm
16. amsn

I think we will drop all the polls as it is too much to do for everybody.

Please try these new extensions and leave feedback in this thread.

Many thanks to all who contribute.
We have a great community.


Haven't tested any yet, except for the ones I built, but wanted to mention something that was not in the info files.

Conky's default settings do not work in DSL, so one of the supplied rc files (or a user-created rc file) is needed for it to run.  The Conky wrapper will copy one of the sample rc files to $HOME/.conkyrc if this file does not already exist.  I edited a couple of the samples to remove or disable things that are not in DSL, but afterward discovered that there is still at least one that doesn't work.  The "running processes" feature requires kernel 2.6, so this feature will always display zero in DSL.

tar: unable to read all data

tar: unable to read all data

the file must be corrupt. on my machine it worked...

11. xgalaga.dsl

works fine.

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