Apps :: Newest OpenOffice as an unc-file

Hi there!

Thanks a lot JB4x4 for making this extension. I've just downloaded it and tried it out a little. I was a little confused when the toolbar didn't appear at the beginning but when opening a document or starting a new it appeared. So thanks a lot! Now I'm just waiting for firefox 2.0 and some other apps. Much appreciated.

Have fun Y'all,

Hi again all!

I have to correct myself in what I said about the toolbar. Out of habit I clicked on the first line in the OO-menu and that was office. When clicking on  the right one (the one I meant to, "writer") the toolbar is there as usual. I'm sorry for the mistake and after a little more exploring the extension seems to work just perfect. Thanks again!

Have fun DSL-fans,

What happened to the openoffice unc - I checked the testing, unc and applications areas and I couldn't find it?
The OpenOffice extension ended up a UCI.  Look in here
Thanks - didn't think of looking there...

When I tried the uci, I got stuck in a loop - I right-clicked on the icon and chose the "Word" equivalent, got asked to register and then got an error that a file was corrupt (I hadn't even got to the file menu at this stage). OO then said it would fix the file but kept coming back with the currupt file message - there did not seem to be a way to get out of this loop?

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