Apps :: mysdl-load
I added "mydsl-load /mnt/hda3/myapp.uci" to the /opt/ file.
The app loaded correctly into the /opt directory, although without a mydsl start button. How do I start the apt? (starting from the xterm doesn't seem to work).
probably depends upon the application itself. If it's not a graphical application it may not have an icon.
The command will probably (but not definitely) be /opt/myapp/bin/myapp, but you may need to refer to the file in case there are some special steps to perform.
By the way, there tpically isn't any need to load mydsl apps from a startup script, since DSL is already configured to check for them during the boot process (boot option mydsl=devicename).
Folks, I'm very new at using myDSL, and have been struggling.
Here's what just happened today:
I downloaded a new .uci, and at present it's in /mnt/hda4/temp-dir
I did
mydsl-load /mnt/hda4/temp-dir/xpdf-3.01pl2.uci
And somehow eventually found out that apparently makes a symlink in
/usr/local/bin , which is on the path:
/usr/local/bin> ls -alt | more
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2880 Feb 25 14:01 .
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Feb 25 14:01 xpdf3 -> /opt/xpdf-3.01pl2/xpdf3
drwxr-xr-x 26 root root 280 Feb 25 14:00 ..
So if one runs the command xpdf3
the program opens.
And if one says
xpdf3 path-to/filename.pdf
the file opens
First you are talking about an extension, i.e., user contributed.
Second, an extension that is currently in the testing area.
Even more important to read the readme.
Compliant extenions usually offer at least a menu option unless they are intended to be used as command line utitlity, usually advanced tools for experienced users.
Now, after reading your post, it sounds to me like this extension is not compliant, as it would require unionfs, or mkwriteable.
uci extensions by definition are self contained.
uci extensions should work and be tested by booting as follows:
boot: dsl base norestore legacy
That is the acid test for an extension to be called uci
When I have time, I will look more into this particular submitted extension.
It's best if uci binaries get symlinked into /opt/bin to put them in PATH where that's needed.
/opt is writeable.
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