Apps :: tmsnc error at start

When starting it I get this:
iconv: Character encoding translation not possible
and then it exits. Tried also sudo tmsnc, same result.
Any suggestions?

I have a hd-install and locale is set to the default ( C )

Here's the code where it happens: (I don't understand C that well....)

   if (iconv_init(cf->codeset) != 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, "iconv: Character encoding translation not possible\n");
       return -1;

Anyone? I'd like to get MSN working..
My guess is that the locale/charset/font cannot be found ... so it exits.  Perhaps compiling without iconv (if possible) or installing those charsets might help.
I didn't compile it in the first place, but I just tried putting all finnish locale-stuff to my comp:
fi-latin9 keymap, UTF8 and ISO-8859-15 charmaps to /usr/share/i18n/charmaps, and a locale database with only finnish in it to /usr/lib/locale
And it recognizes those in locale -a and locale -m.

Also set LANG=fi_FI@euro, but the same error happened after all that.. What else could it need?

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