Apps :: Check for dependencies

Is there a way to check what libraries (and other files) an exectutable depends upon apart from trial and error?

The reason I ask is that I have made several extensions from Debian stable that contain many packages and I am not at all sure that all of the libraries (or other files) in the packages are required.

In the case of bluez-utils, I tried compiling from binaries but the result is even larger (admittedly for a more recent version) than the Debian stable package version.

ldd /path/to/executable

This will tell you what libraries are needed by an executable, but I don't think it will tell you if those libraries depend on other libraries.

Ya, ldd is what you are looking for. However, some programs load things useing an "exec" commmand (eg shell execute) So, ldd tells you all the libs you need for your current executable, but you will still need to test all the functions to be sure they work. then ldd any other executables that are needed from there.
Thanks - 'seems to work for executables and also for libraries to see if they in turn depend on other libraries
I think it nests... That is, if you check a file, it automaticly tests all the files that depend on the ones it needs, and so on till it is done.
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