Apps :: mydsl menu entries

I just installed two DSL extensions to a fresh hard drive install of DSL and both have one similar/shared problem and one has additional issues.


The menu entry in "mydsl extensions" uses the SUDO command. This causes a RO conflict if user dsl opens sunbird via terminal, etc., because the permissions for the settings files are set for root (and accordingly the program starts with an error and then can't load the settings -- just a fresh calendar).

1. Remove sudo from the entry in mydsl menus for fluxbox and JWM.
2. Remove sudo from ~/.xtdesk/sunbird.lnk (if you use those icons).
3. Change permissions for everything in the ~/.mozilla/sunbird directory for dsl-staff.

The menu entries (both JWM and flux) also open via SUDO commands. This causes RO conflicts when opening documents with other applications as user dsl or with filetype associations in emelfm, rox, etc., because of root permissions. The xtdesk icon link file is okay (no sudo).

The menu entry path to the application is also wrong. The menu entries (/opt/openoffice/..) don't contain the directory version number and the directory does (/opt/openoffice-1.1.4/..).

1. Edit out sudo in both fluxbox and JWM menu entries and edit paths to include the -1.1.4 part.
2. Change permissions of any files saved while Open Office was run as root from root to dsl-staff.

Finally, the info file for this extension says Open Office won't run with less than 384 MB RAM. It will run safely on much less.

original here.