Apps :: Two new applications

For an example of a newbie's select your components around the tiny core-distro, check out the Nimblex creator. First it asks what areas are you interested in, then goes through each category with descriptions of programs and very easy UI. As the last step it builds the iso for you.

Since we do not want to stress the DSL server, I would replace the iso generating by just outputting a list of all the extensions selected, as well as a link to each one. All the user would need skill at is generating the iso, or just burning the tiny core iso and having all the extensions in mydsl-named directory on HD or usb.

How does this sound?

If one can deploy frugal, then mkmydsl automatically makes an iso.
This easy custom iso creation tool has been a part of DSL for years. Actually since the beginning of mydsl extensions.

The concept is to learn to walk before you run. By that I mean, start slow. Try out different collections of mydsl extensions. When you have a collection that you like and they are setup correctly, i.e. survive a reboot, using a mydsl directory, then use mkmydsl to create your custom cdrom image.

This same concept would easily work with a tiny core.

Yes, I agree. What I meant was customization before trying them all, which in some cases might not be as good as selecting with experience, but in some cases might be very nice.

The Custom NimbleX creator seems very much what I had in mind. I'll try it out on a spare 4GB pendrive when I've got time between fishing trips.


I didn't realise that there is effectively the same custom distro making facility in DSL in the shape of mkmydsl. When the latest xine is available - the only app I need to complete my desktop collection - I'll give mkmydsl a try.

Many thanks gents.

Quote (mikshaw @ Mar. 05 2008,12:02)
1. What if '.uci' extensions were writable?
Then they wouldn't be uci (compressed images). The "image" part is an ISO9660 filesystem (essentially a cdrom image), which by design is read-only.

I think he should just follow his own vision for DSL and let the chips fall. I think users will eventually come around.
Totally agree.

I would suggest, though, that the current path seems to be working in a sense. That path, with some exceptions, seems to include gradually pulling out unnecessary applications and sometimes replacing them with smaller alternatives. The removal of mc was entirely unnoticed by most users. If firefox is left in its current version in DSL, eventually most users will opt for myDSL versions, and it can then be pulled from DSL base without people getting snippy.

Firefox will not be removed from DSL.
Look for an update to Firefox in the next version of DSL v4.3.
John has finished his size reduction work so that a newer version will be possible. I had to make some other cuts in order make it all fit in 50MB. I am still working on some changes to better search MyDSL extensions.

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