Gtk2 :: looking for Dev

Just throwing in a newbie comment. What I did to get nmap and gtk2 frontend nmapfe to compile on my dsl system was:
1 download latest source
2 load the gnu-utils .unc extension
3 load the gcc1-with-libs .unc extension
4 load the dls-dpkg .unc extension
5 edit the /etc/apt/sources.lst file to state "stable" instead of "oldstable"
6 perform apt-get update
7 download the gtp2+2.0-dev from with apt-get or synaptic
8 run "./configure and then "make" and "make install" to compile the package

It seems not possible to get the gtk2 dev in a simpler way....
I use the --prefix= in configure to get the make process to provide me with all output files in a separate tree. So it is possible to use all binaries by copying/symlinking the into the right /bin directories etc.
Now I wonder if someone could point me towards the information I need to make a .dsl and then with the exellent script I have found to a .unc extension.
And where do I upload a finished .unc to make it available to others.
I will search the wiki and here to find more answers but if anyone knows the location to this info, I would appreciate it.
Take care... :D

There are two basic ways to do this:

1. From apt-get install packages:

# dpkg -L package-1 > packages.list
# dpkg -L package-2 >> packages.list
# dpkg -L package-n >> packages.list
[edit out all unwanted files & directories]
# tar -T packages.list --no-recursion -zcvf packages.dsl
# packages.dsl

2. From compiling from sources:

# ./configure
# make
# touch mymarker
# make install
# find / -not -type 'd' -cnewer mymarker | grep -v "\/proc\/" | tee files
[repeat process for each compilation and build a master files list]
[edit out all unwanted files & directories]
# tar -T files --no-recursion -zcvf compiled.dsl
# compiled.dsl

In either case, the "DSL way" is to remove all files of the type /usr/share/doc, /usr/share/man to minimise the size of the package. Take care to remove directory entries without a file such as /bin, /usr/bin, etc

Send finished item to extensions at damnsmalllinux dot org


If you have been successful with the use of the prefix option to make a self contained version then that is optimal.
I would not suggest to make a .dsl or .unc

Read mikshaw's writeup about .tar.gz in the wiki here

Then it is trivial to make it into a UCI see this wiki entry

If it is not possible to make it self contained then use Juanito's option2 and then convert to unc

Excellent info !! Thanks.
I will try to make .uci although i am not entirely sure why this would be better than .unc. The unc format seems to be really good, I'll check through doc to learn more about the various formats.
Will send extensions as soon as I made some.
Thanks again :cool:

MyDSL -> UNC -> gtk2-0705.unc should have the shared/static libraries and header files you need.
BTW, whenever I compile something, I write down all the options in '' and then run it. This way you can slowly get your configure options right - trial and error. :laugh:
Of course, always expect a festering load of trouble the first time you compile some big program.

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