Multimedia :: Alsa needs manual setup after every boot
I'm using Alsa.dsl - works great, but I have to run the setup after every boot to make it work. Isn't there some files I can add to .filetool.lst, or copy using to make it automatic?
davea0511, I am going to assume that you have a hard drive install, and that when you say you need to run the setup each time, you mean that you need to choose myDSL -> Alsa Setup from the menu. I don't think there is an easy answer if you have a frugal install or a liveCD besides rematering.
If you want alsa to start each time, you should place these two commands in you file:
sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound start
/usr/bin/amixer set Master 20 unmute
You should change the 20 number. I would recomend using alsamixer from an xterminal and playing around with the level until you get what you want. Then run amixer | more to read the number you see for front left and front right playback for the master channel. The maximimum values are also shown. Remember, it's not 20%, it's 20/some maximum = % volume. You may need to umute other channels as well depending on your particular card, and I've read that some cards use different capitalization for the word "Master", but again, check it out in alsamixer right after you set alsa using the menu option.
Thanks for the prompt response. Bummer though... I'm running frugal off a Flash card. I tried it anyway (in and in .xinitrc) to no avail.
Okay, so what changes do I need to make to the master to do this on frugal? You wouldn't perchance have already done so have you? It sure would be nice to make something like that available since frugal is become the preferred way over HD install in so many instances.
It would involve remastering dsl. You can look at other posts for the nuts and bolts of it, but it does require some work and can get involved.
Basically, you would need to chroot into your remaster and install both gnu-utils and alsa. Then you would run the alsa-setup script in the /opt/alsa directory, and finally set up those two lines in (all from the chroot environment).
If you were running the liveCD, I'd say put gnu-utils.dsl and alsa.dsl in the root directory so they get loaded on startup, and then put /opt/alsa/alsasetup in the At least that way the packages get loaded and it runs the script automatically on startup (although you still need to hit OK and choose your card).
Unfortunately this is going on a touchscreen system that doesn't have a keyboard, and since the alsasetup won't accept mouse clicks I'm dead in the water until I remaster DSL to include alsa. Ughh.
There used to be a program for DOS called BufferStuffer, and it was a commandline that stuffed whatever you wanted in the keyboard buffer prior to running a program that required keyboard input.
Boy I sure wish I had that right now.
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