Net :: Mccp compression in Tinyfugue?

simonp, I tried the tf5 again from debian using that mud and the compression does work!  So if you download that you should be fine.  When I got it I used apt-get. I needed to change the /etc/apt/sources.list from stable to unstable, ran apt-get update and then ran

apt-get install tf5 -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=true

I'll look at the libraries and see if having developement versions of those helps with the one I tried to compile.

OK, I got a version to work for dsl that I compiled from the sources.  It turns out I needed zlib1g in order to get the mccp stuff to work.  I also used the libpcre in case anyone wanted the regular expression stuff.  I'm uploading it now so it should be there in the repository a few days or a week.  I tested it on the site you gave and it told me that the compression was working.  I also used the --prefix switch during the configure so tf knows where the libraries are now.

It looks like it's a fairly full featured client.  triggers, macros, mapping, the works.  Let me know when it's up if it works for you.

Thanks clacker.  The muds will be very appreciative, as most these days are run on a non-commerical basis and bandwidth is by far the biggest cost.  I'll test out the new build as soon its ready for download.  (I'll also leave a follow-up on the Aardwolf board, as the Linux users will want to know what's happening -- DSL with the screen and tf package (and Winmodem configuration) -- is a godsend for the holidays when mud addicts are away from their regular computers ;-))  

Tinyfugue is indeed an excellent client, all the better because it can be intergrated with the shell and command line.

original here.