System :: Problem with XFree86

This is just a guess...I have NO IDEA if it will work...

Try putting in just one drive, and then put in the other when it begins to boot (before it rescans USB, i assume).  Just a thought.


USB scanning is usually done in a progressive order.

1) Root Hub (Primary USB ports, usually rear ports 1 and 2)
2) Internal Hub (Secondary USB ports, usually rear ports 3-6 and front ports)
3) External Hubs

So if you want one device to be detected first and the other second, use this knowledge to steer the detection process.

If you don't want to plug them directly into the rear ports, you can always buy a 2nd hub and daisy chain them...

PC Case-----First Hub------First USB drive sda1
                  Second Hub-----Second USB drive sda2

Try it and see if it works.

I had similar XFree86 problem, I solved it by chown 777 on the XF86Config file in /etc/X11 not sure if this is whats wrong or not, but one thing i'm learning is more than half the time my errors are caused by file permissions.


Not to belittle you at all, but that's a really BAD idea.  When you chmod 777 you give read, write, and execute permission to EVERYONE.  The only files i can think of that should be 777 are symlinks and a couple subdirectories in /var (tmp and mail/you...maybe one or two others).
Rather than looking at file permissions as being the problem, i'd look instead at what you're trying to do, and what user you are....many things are just not intended to be done as a regular user.  Unless there is a problem you caused yourself (such as copying files from a fat drive or doing a shoddy remaster), most files in the DSL base system are correctly chmodded already.

Quote (cbagger01 @ Jan. 26 2006,00:34)


If you don't want to plug them directly into the rear ports, you can always buy a 2nd hub and daisy chain them...

PC Case-----First Hub------First USB drive sda1
                  Second Hub-----Second USB drive sda2

Try it and see if it works.

Actually this works fine.

But every good (at least not bad) USB-HUB has got fixed ports.  
So I could get rid of my bad one and replaced it.

Next thing is, that I have got a stupid mainboard! I only have got 2 USB-ports. One is used for DSL and i put it inside the case. so there is no chance to plug in a printer or scanner or stuff.
So if I use a second USB-hub in my other port the mainboard gives priority (USB-1) to the USB-hub which has more devices in it.  Reponse from the manufactorer: "You can't do anything against it. at this time it was unusual to have more than 2 USB-devices!"

Nevertheless, thanks for your I'm gonna use the printer and scanner as network scanner on my Router ;)


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