System :: compiling

By the way... I have tried

#include <iostream>


#include </usr/include/c++/3.3/iostream>

did you try #include <iostream.h> ?

EDIT: Oh...seems the c++ headers don't often use the .h suffix.
Ignore this as necessary.

Hi motokitn!

I just made a remaster that can be used for compiling. (It's found under Other help topics -> Remastering HOWTO ... on page 62) I incorporate the latest gcc1-with-libs.unc and gnu-utils.unc and got a pretty good compiling environment. RyuOniX when it comes to compile for example the well known "Hello World" program just save it in home/dsl as for example hello.cpp open a terminal and do the following:  g++ -o hello hello.cpp  . That will compile the program, I just tested it. Hope this is of any help.

Have fun with DSL,

Thanks Meo! It works like a charm!  ^_^
By the way, is there a linux equivalent to the Win command PAUSE? I have enjoyed using it throughout my programs in the past so I hope that there is...
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