Release Candidates :: DSL-2.1 RC2

Quote (skaos @ Dec. 13 2005,11:01)
It would be very nice if the menus in fluxbox and jwm are similar/identical. Is it possible to have that nice desktop background in jwm as well?

switch to jwm then click dsl on the taskbar, then setup, then desktop, then wallpaper

you can also right on the desktop for the menu.

happy holidays!

I think the cdrom2 code was added to enable uci for people running a "toram" configuration. The toram setup has a second virtual compressed ISO image loaded into a ramdisk with mountpoint cdrom2.

Since there are very few people running dsl with 2 physical cdrom drives and their UCI stuff located on a disk in the second drive, this situation hasn't been encountered yet.

Cbagger is right, the change from 1.5 to 2.0 was when I added the ability to run toram and if the cdrom has been removed then prompt for it. I am not planning on supporting 2 physical or virtual cdrom drives.

And as I previousily stated in a VM environment I would think it would just as easy to add an additional virtual hard drive as it would be a second virtual cdrom. The second virtual or physcial hard drive would not present a problem.

Quote (gunnix @ Dec. 14 2005,03:03)
Just to mention conky. Conky is a fork of torsmo which should work even better from what I've heard. Did you try it?

If you want to try it out Mikshaw has a conky UCI in the myDSL tesing area.

IMHO it looks promising but is a little more resource intensive than torsmo. Also torsmo is one binary (95k) whereas corky (96k) needs some support libs (90k+).  So for the simple monitoring needs on my old laptop - DSL2.1 with torsmo is perfect (I don't need conky's graphs and seti, mldonkey support etc.).

The next version of conky 2.0 will be a complete rewrite and won't contain any torsmo code. I'll definitely have another look at it then.

If you decide to run conky under 2.1RC2 ... please post some screenshots or config files on how you've tweaked it to suit your setup.


This is as far as I got with conky

Full size image here:

I just wanted to say for the record that 2.0 was awesome and 2.1rc1 was even more awesome.

How do you work the number system? is it going to go to 2.1rc3 then 2.1, or will it be 3.0?

If I am asking a question that has already been answered, I am sorry. Please direct me to the info if so.


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