Release Candidates :: DSL-2.1 RC2

FYI, the discussion was

mc or links


emelfm or mc


I like the idea of a CLI download script for the loser.

In other words, you type:




and it checks for existance of the binary file and launches it with all the arguments passed on, aka:

/opt/links/links "$*"


/opt/mc/mc "$*"

otherwide, it does a

mydsl-load links.uci


mydsl-load mc.uci

This makes it friendly for the user who is stuck in CLI mode.

No comparison between the two, I know. Just pointing out a current flexible fm but understand the need for a cli one in some situations. I don't know the exact command but if you have net access you can install a mydsl app from the repository at the command line with something like 'mydsl-load system mc.uci' or something like that. I know RS has posted that somewhere in the forum before.
Heck, I use *only* mc, not because i need to but because i like it.  But i wouldn't care if it were removed. That's why we have mydsl.  I don't use nirc but have a uci for irssi....I don't use flux stable but have a flux devel package....i don't use xzgv but have a gqview package...etc...
If Midnight Commander were removed from DSL, my first priority would be mc.uci and I'd continue being happy with DSL :D

The great thing about mc is it's not very big and comes in handy over ssh or when running DSL without X. There might be a quicker way to browse the file system or move/copy/delete/chmod multiple selected files but doubt I it.

As a text based browser elinks-lite is also small at 628k and would be nice to have. Perhaps as a dsl package if space can't be found on the CD??

BTW If there is any ex (or current) dos users ...... here's a couple of Linux ports (or distractions) :;):
Necromancer's Dos Navigator Linux beta
and UnixTree (XTree gold clone)

They're over 2-3x the size of the DSL's midnight commander binary but run on DSL2.1RC2 without problems (simply unpack and run). I was never a fan of Xtree but it did have a strong following and there's even an X binary included in the package (see screenshot)

Full size here

Would prefer links to MC, Dillo, or Firefox. Mostly use it for browsing on my other system with ImageMagic opening the  pics when wanted. For anyone who is adverse to seeing advertising 24/7 links is a godsend for browsing and fast.
In my opinion it would be better to put Firefox back on the  myDSL and have links, mc, and Links hacked on DSL. For fast browsing without popups I have not seen anything better than Links hacked. Another reason to prefer links for browsing is that is rodent free. Unless I missed something Dillo is unuseable without a mouse. If Firefox were on myDSL I would carry it on a usb stick for when I needed it. And it would be interesting to see what could be added in its place

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