Release Candidates :: DSL-2.2RC1

Such iomega ZIP disks can be run on EVERY old PC's, while some of them have not an USB port or (by my experience) they are unable to read a rather new CD (whichever the speed of the baking).

In order to do run from a ZIP disk, I actually boot from  an old version bootfloppy (related to DSL 0.8, if I'm right)

Iomega Zip should be supported. Please use the bootfloppy images in the release candidate area. These boot floppy images are the same as the v0.8 which is for 2.4.26 kernel.

How can I upgrade from 2.1b? I'm talking about backup.tar.gz.

The only system change that might be involved is:
.jwmrc and .fluxbox/menu

These are not by default in the backup, so might not need to change them. For persistent home, yes they need to be updated.

This is where the exit check for ramdisk loaded extensions is called.
If needed copy them from /etc/skel

Note: First bug report already received, doc apps still on fluxbox menu and should have been removed as those are no longer in the base system.

My vote goes for mc as well.

Another thing I always do when I install linux is to set root's prompt colour to bold red. This way I reduce the probability of doing stupid things. Is it possible to include this in DSL as well? If so, add something like this to .bashrc and .bash_profile:

PS1='\e[31;1m\h(\u):\w\$\e[0m '
export PS1

The possibility of removing mc was brought up not long ago, and i kept in mind that i may one day need to build mc.uci.  So...that's what i'm gonna do today.

It will hopefully be better than DSL's mc (subshell support, user menu, file association), so maybe it'll be worth waiting for. =o)

would it be possible in the next RC to fix the and support doing an install on a non-hdax(ex. hdb1 or hdc1)

this way it could be done in runlevel 2 instead of loading the gui

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