Release Candidates :: DSL-2.2RC1

When you get online, fire up Dillo, go to the repository, download the firefox uci, save it to your hard drive, and use the mydsl boot parameter to point to it. You only have to do it once and alot of room is cleared up for the base iso.
Is it possible to have a full version of VIM (to support highlighting) and remove beaver?  In regards to the browsers I much rather have firefox that is by far more standard.  I saw dillo's webpage and considered it noble but nonetheless a duplicated effort...  I myself didn't care much for Ted to be honest (is abiword too heavy?)  I can do without the games but many more people might not :laugh:

Again: I am n00b

hi @all, I'm new to this forum but have followed it for quite a time now. I've been using dsl for about two years now, and due to recent development I also like to add my coments.
I really like dsl but I also dislike some new changes.

jwm eg. who really needs or uses it. First time I tried it messed up all my fluxbox setting. Then all the changes which come with it, I really miss all the cool and functional dockapps. And what we have momentarily as alternative may be nice but it's just not the same.

As for the choice of applications:
As a professional windoze user (yeah I know, don't blame me, I hate it too) and former linux server admin I use dsl mostly as a recovery system at work and in private as my desktop system of choice. however I need to have great compatability to standard win software, especially office. So I use quite some dsl extensions to cover my needs. I really think this user scenario represents the majority of dsl users. Keeping this in mind and looking at the fact that dsl is targetted to be a damn small desktop system with ONE application for every need I would vote for the following changes in applications:

- get rid of jwm (who needs two wms? and it really sucks anyway, sorry I know you had a lot of work with it)
remove firefox and use it as extension (yeah I'm a firefox and thunderbird enthusiast also, but its just too big and can easily be used as extension, additionally, who needs dillo and firefox anyway)
- remove ted (it's really nice, but practically not usable for the standard user and too big again for it's usability)
use the complete siag office suite instead (it's really tiny and has a lot of good ideas, also it comes with spreadsheet, word processor and vector graphics,all that in 1.5mb)
- remove gphone, extension instead (again it's nice, but who uses gphone anyway? most people I know use skype, which is also an extension)
- get rid of the games, keep maybe x-tetris (does anyone actually play them?)
- also what most people miss is dvd support in xmms (but I guess that's due to licencing issues)

this way it should be possible to get dsl down under 40megs, then the saved space could be used to add some more diagnostic and network tools like nmap/amap, tcpdump, maybe stress or cpuburn.

Then dsl would be a really damn small linux system which covers the basics of every aspect, server utilities, desktop function, internet applications, diagnostics, recovery, well you could use it for everything and just add the rest you need with extensions.

Just an idea

DSL is really great work anyway. Thanks a lot for this distro and your dedication to it.

my two cents to all these "new" forum - users loving dsl but somehow seem to look for something different...

Then dsl would be a really damn small linux system which covers the basics of every aspect, server utilities, desktop function, internet applications, diagnostics, recovery, well you could use it for everything and just add the rest you need with extensions.

as you said before: dsl is a desktop OS and no server, recovery or diagnostics OS.

- i use dillo and firefox. yes really... keep them, to have both is a great combination

- NO SIAG - OFFICE! in version 0.9.1 of dsl we had "patethic writer" and it wasn't possible to write a simple text. i never used a program that crashed so often.

- i use jwm KEEP IT ! it uses much less ressources on older machines. if you like fluxbox more, use fluxbox. why these dockapps if a few simple scripts and torsmo do the same?!? because they look cooler?

- dvd - support? why? dsl is designed to run on older machines, i don't think that dvd-support makes much sense on an pII233 with 48 mb.

and.... i use the games (and my girlfriend) :D

Roberts said:
"Iomega Zip should be supported. Please use the bootfloppy images in the release candidate area. These boot floppy images are the same as the v0.8 which is for 2.4.26 kernel."

That's right! I've put the KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file from the dsl 2.2 RC1 CD to my Iomega ZIP then I've booted from the bootfloppy related to this release candidate with the zipboot cheatcode: it worked!

My old PC is a Pentium II 233 Mhz with 64Mb of RAM.
I've also run the CD on my Toshiba satellite laptop: all right!

Please, consider two minor changes:
adding the zipboot option on one of the initial screens which can be seen by pressing either F2 or F3 at boot;
adding in the changelog that zipboot has been reactivated, because, trust me, in the previous few versions of DSL it didn't work.

Many thanks,

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