Release Candidates :: DSL v2.3 RC2

When running DSL 2.3rc2 I get an additonal DOS window that opens and displays the following message:

I think this should help (I haven't tried it though - I don't use Windows so much):

Quote (desnotes @ Mar. 25 2006,17:55)
I personally believe they should not have kept the version the same with this type of change but it appears to be acceptable in the Qemu community as other support sites are doing the same thing.

The Windows binary isn't put together by the Qemu developers and incorporates various patches not in the Qemu CVS. The Qemu developers haven't made a new release without bumping the version number.

I found more information on configuring the sound and also noticed that on DSL 2.3 rc2, the sound configuration is not included like it was in past revisions. Here is what I found:

When you use Linux as guest a OS, please type in guest OS like this.

[Linux guest]# modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5

If you installed sox package, .wav file is played.

[Linux guest]$ play test.wav

In previous .bat files the following was part of the append:


I tried it on my computer running both the previous configuration and also using sb=0x220,5,1,5 and was able to run XMMS successfully.

I would recommend that those folks who were having problems add either of the two configurations in the dsl-windows.bat right after

-append "qemu and right before frugal

As for whether to use the -kernel option or the -cdrom option I agree that would probably be easier to use the -cdrom but using the cheat codes and the other DSL integration options does make the -kernel option preferable in my opinion. Also, for what it's worth, when booting DSL in the text mode, using the same cheat codes, the -kernel option boots 17.5% faster.  :D


Howdy.  Just ran up RC2 here.. A couple of things Ive noticed on 2 machines now. On bootup I get the Dillo opening up Getting to know DSL and as soon as I move the mouse it brings up a dialogue box like I right clicked on dillo. These are USB mouses. One is a pure USB mouse on a laptop and the other is a USB mouse through a adapter into a PS2 socket on the MoBo .. I also did a fresh install on a USB drive over the top of my old DSL. This was selected as a new/fresh install of RC2 over a previuos version and not an update. I found that my favorites in firefox and my address book in sylpeed were still there from previous. So basically it didnt wipe the drive and start again fresh.
An update of Firefox would be a good thing. Also I am not mad about the Saturn background. Although its pretty and eye catching its a bit loud to sit in front of continually and the desktop Icons tend to be easier to see on a darker background. The Tux wallpaper in emblem mode is nice. Will try out some wireless devices soon and let you know of any problems.

I forgot to mention. Is there some way of easily distinguishing the different versions of DSL when they are running or booted up. I have not spotted it. Maybee on the desktop on in the bootup it would be a good idea. Ive got a few versions around and now its appearing on USB sticks its not as easy to label and keep track of. It would make some sense to advertise the version number somewhere. The desktop display of system status has the Kernel build and other info so why not the DSL version?
DSL v2.3 final has now been released. See site news.
Thanks to all for participated in the testing, for the feedback and suggestions.

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